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Railroads: I-80 Corridor in Utah

This covers the narrow stretch from Salt Lake City to Wendover, passing through these railroad sites (east to west): Burmester (Exit 88), Timpie (Exit 77), Delle (Exit 70), Marblehead (Exit 62), Aragonite (Exit 56), Knolls (Exit 41), Blair (Exit 4), and Wendover (Exit 1). This is the former Western Pacific line, now owned by Union Pacific.

Most recent uploads are at the top.

Tank cars in Wendover
Tank cars in Wendover
Block signal
Block signal
UP 2835 in Wendover, Utah
UP 2835 in Wendover, Utah
Units waiting in Wendover for their next assignment
Units waiting in Wendover for their next assignment
Blandness in Wendover, Utah
Blandness in Wendover, Utah
Spur track at night in Wendover, Utah
Spur track at night in Wendover, Utah
A meet in Wendover, Utah
A meet in Wendover, Utah
Tank cars in Wendover, Utah
Tank cars in Wendover, Utah
Communicating (east of Wendover, Utah)
Communicating (east of Wendover, Utah)
Repairing a STOP sign at the grade crossing at Knolls, Utah
Repairing a STOP sign at the grade crossing at Knolls, Utah
Looking west at Knolls: Nevada is 41 miles away
Looking west at Knolls: Nevada is 41 miles away
Eastbound local near Knolls, Utah
Eastbound local near Knolls, Utah
Westbound Union Pacific stack train at Aragonite, Utah
Westbound Union Pacific stack train at Aragonite, Utah
Wyes guy at Marblehead, Utah
Wyes guy at Marblehead, Utah
Westbound unit train (loads of gravel?) ascends the grade at Marblehead, Utah
Westbound unit train (loads of gravel?) ascends the grade at Marblehead, Utah
Tail end pusher at Marblehead
Tail end pusher at Marblehead
I'm Looking Through salt
I'm Looking Through salt
Two Union Pacific eastbounds (one is all wet)
Two Union Pacific eastbounds (one is all wet)
Looking west from Burmester, Utah at headlights of a locomotive
Looking west from Burmester, Utah at headlights of a locomotive
Locomotive approaching Burmester, Utah
Locomotive approaching Burmester, Utah
Moody freight yard at Burmester, Utah
Moody freight yard at Burmester, Utah
Union Pacific locomotives idling at Burmester, Utah
Union Pacific locomotives idling at Burmester, Utah