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Railroads: Black Butte

Black Butte is located in northern California, immediately west of snow-covered Mt. Shasta. It is an interchange point between Union Pacific and CORP and is home to the Black Butte Center for Railroad Culture, a non-profit institution.

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A meet at Black Butte
A meet at Black Butte
Special agent (left) and conductor
Special agent (left) and conductor
Waiting to be picked up
Waiting to be picked up
I left my mark at the grade crossing
I left my mark at the grade crossing
Conductor adjusts something during switching
Conductor adjusts something during switching
End-of-train device (flashing rear-end device)
End-of-train device (flashing rear-end device)
Switching action at dusk
Switching action at dusk
Pizza delivery (Union Pacific hi-railer)
Pizza delivery (Union Pacific hi-railer)