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romy ocon | all galleries >> Wild Birds of the Philippines (Photos) >> My Favorites >> Cuckoo-shrikes, Trillers, Minivets, Leafbirds and Ioras > IMG_7177-750x500.jpg
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Bar-bellied Cuckoo-shrike (Male)

Scientific name - Coracina striata striata

Habitat - Forest and forest edge.

[20D + Sigmonster (Sigma 300-800 DG)]

Canon EOS 20D
1/100s f/9.0 at 800.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 18-Mar-2006 00:42
Romy, each time I see your pictures they make me want the Sigmonster even though I know its the user who rocks.
steve 18-Mar-2006 00:13
Yes, you finally nailed him! Probably the major confusion species with the male striata striata at Subic may be the female C. coerulescens. The iris color of C. striata ranges from dark brownish-red to straw-yellow. That of the coerulescens is dark brown. Luckily, this one decided to cooperate by having a yellow iris and making it easy on us.
romy ocon17-Mar-2006 23:30
I was already beginning to wonder whether these noisy birds produce asexually, and in reality there's no male of the species. All the pics I got before had birds with under-barring.... all female. Now I got one without under-barring.... looks like the male of this bird is not fiction after all....;-)
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