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Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

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Mt. Kilimanjaro is somewhere between the clouds...
Mt. Kilimanjaro is somewhere between the clouds...
Getting ready for the expedition
Getting ready for the expedition
Everything is ahead of us...
Everything is ahead of us...
First steps on the trail...
First steps on the trail...
A path through the rainforest
A path through the rainforest
A little waterfall
A little waterfall
Pole, pole... or slowly, slowly...
Pole, pole... or slowly, slowly...
The path to the Maundi Crater
The path to the Maundi Crater
On the way to the Maundi Crater
On the way to the Maundi Crater
Jola and Josephat during acclimatization climbing to Maundi Crater
Jola and Josephat during acclimatization climbing to Maundi Crater
Mount Kilimanjaro flora
Mount Kilimanjaro flora
A view from the Maundi Crater
A view from the Maundi Crater
The Maundi Crater
The Maundi Crater
On the way from Mandara to Horombo
On the way from Mandara to Horombo
Pole, pole... another rest on the way...
"Pole, pole"... another rest on the way...
Going through the clouds
Going through the clouds
Inside the clouds...
Inside the clouds...
Mount Kilimanjaro flora
Mount Kilimanjaro flora
Finally above the clouds...
Finally above the clouds...
White-necked Raven in flight
White-necked Raven in flight
Still on the way up
Still on the way up
The Giant Groundsels
The Giant Groundsels
Rest above the clouds
Rest above the clouds
Rest above the clouds... pole, pole...
Rest above the clouds... pole, pole...
Already at the altitude of 3500 m asl
Already at the altitude of 3500 m asl
Above the clouds...
Above the clouds...
Jola at the 'gate' of Horombo camp
Jola at the 'gate' of Horombo camp
Mount Kilimanjaro flora
Mount Kilimanjaro flora
The view from Horombo camp
The view from Horombo camp
The Giant Groundsels
The Giant Groundsels
Horombo camp helipad
Horombo camp helipad
Mount Kilimanjaro flora - the Giant Groundsels
Mount Kilimanjaro flora - the Giant Groundsels
Mawenzi covered by clouds
Mawenzi covered by clouds
Morning at the Horombo camp
Morning at the Horombo camp
The Horombo camp
The Horombo camp
Remaining snow at Mount Kilimanjaro
Remaining snow at Mount Kilimanjaro
Morning  the altitude of 3720 m asl
Morning the altitude of 3720 m asl
On the way to Zebra Rocks
On the way to Zebra Rocks
The last water sign...
The last water sign...
Mawenzi peak covered by clouds
Mawenzi peak covered by clouds
Trekking during acclimatization day
Trekking during acclimatization day
Zebra Rocks
Zebra Rocks
Closeup of Zebra Rocks
Closeup of Zebra Rocks
Already above 4000 m asl
Already above 4000 m asl
Mawenzi peak is still covered by clouds
Mawenzi peak is still covered by clouds
Flora at the altitude above 4000 m asl
Flora at the altitude above 4000 m asl
Kilimanjaro covered by clouds
Kilimanjaro covered by clouds
Kibo Summit of Kilimanjaro
Kibo Summit of Kilimanjaro
The beauty of Mount Kilimanjaro
The beauty of Mount Kilimanjaro
Morning Sun over Mawenzi
Morning Sun over Mawenzi
The fourth day on the trail
The fourth day on the trail
On the trail...
On the trail...
Finally we have seen Mount Meru...
Finally we have seen Mount Meru...
Still long way to go...
Still long way to go...
Closeup of Kibo Peak
Closeup of Kibo Peak
'Misia' was climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with us... :-)
'Misia' was climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with us... :-)
On the trail above the clouds...
On the trail above the clouds...
The beauty of Mawenzi
The beauty of Mawenzi
At the altitude 3875 m asl
At the altitude 3875 m asl
Kibo Summit of Kilimanjaro
Kibo Summit of Kilimanjaro
Pole, pole - time for the rest...
"Pole, pole" - time for the rest...
Rest on the trail
Rest on the trail
Porter on the way to Kibo camp
Porter on the way to Kibo camp
Still on the way up...
Still on the way up...
Jola with Eliaoni and Josephat during climbing
Jola with Eliaoni and Josephat during climbing
Mawenzi Peak
Mawenzi Peak
Closeup of Mawenzi Peak
Closeup of Mawenzi Peak
The Saddle
The Saddle
The way through the Saddle
The way through the Saddle
The view over Mawenzi from the Saddle
The view over Mawenzi from the Saddle
The way through the Saddle
The way through the Saddle
We are closer and closer...
We are closer and closer...
This way is in front of us...
This way is in front of us...
On the way to Kibo Camp
On the way to Kibo Camp
A view from the Saddle
A view from the Saddle
The view from Kibo camp
The view from Kibo camp
The Kibo Camp
The Kibo Camp
Late afternoon at Kibo Camp
Late afternoon at Kibo Camp
A Long Way Behind Us
A Long Way Behind Us
My Shadow at 4700 m asl
My Shadow at 4700 m asl
The Kibo Camp
The Kibo Camp
Dawn over Mawenzi Peak
Dawn over Mawenzi Peak
Unforgettable Dawn over Africa...
Unforgettable Dawn over Africa...
Sunrise over Africa
Sunrise over Africa
Crowded path to the Gilman's Point
Crowded path to the Gilman's Point
The new climbers are on the way up...
The new climbers are on the way up...
The last 'Snows of Kilimanjaro'
The last 'Snows of Kilimanjaro'
The view from the crater rim
The view from the crater rim
Kilimanjaro crater rim
Kilimanjaro crater rim
The view from the crater rim
The view from the crater rim
Last meters to get the Gilman's Point...
Last meters to get the Gilman's Point...
Mount Kilimanjaro crater rim
Mount Kilimanjaro crater rim
The view from the crater rim
The view from the crater rim
The crater of  Mount Kilimanjaro
The crater of Mount Kilimanjaro
The Gilman's Point
The Gilman's Point
Short nap before the summit
Short nap before the summit
A few meters to get the Gilman's Point
A few meters to get the Gilman's Point
Jola and Krzysztof at Gilman's Point
Jola and Krzysztof at Gilman's Point
Sign at Gilman's Point
Sign at Gilman's Point
The crater of  Mount Kilimanjaro
The crater of Mount Kilimanjaro
The way to Stella Point
The way to Stella Point
The view of Uhuru Peak
The view of Uhuru Peak
Kilimanjaro crater rim
Kilimanjaro crater rim
Gilman's Point
Gilman's Point
Jola with Eliaoni at Stella Point
Jola with Eliaoni at Stella Point
First steps on the way back...
First steps on the way back...
A long way from the top of Africa
A long way from the top of Africa
At the altitude 5620 m asl
At the altitude 5620 m asl
Vulcanic rocks and ashes
Vulcanic rocks and ashes
Amazing view of Mawenzi
Amazing view of Mawenzi
Back at the Saddle
Back at the Saddle
Kilimanjaro again covered by clouds
Kilimanjaro again covered by clouds
The Saddle of Kilimanjaro
The Saddle of Kilimanjaro
Closeup of Mawenzi
Closeup of Mawenzi
Horombo camp - together with Ania and Michal
Horombo camp - together with Ania and Michal
Leaving the Horombo camp
Leaving the Horombo camp
Last glimpse on Kilimanjaro...
Last glimpse on Kilimanjaro...
On the way down
On the way down
The beauty of Mawenzi
The beauty of Mawenzi
Still above the clouds...
Still above the clouds...
Can't stop looking back...
Can't stop looking back...
Magnificent Mount Kilimanjaro
Magnificent Mount Kilimanjaro
The path down..
The path down..
Closeup of Mawenzi
Closeup of Mawenzi
On the way down...
On the way down...
Mawenzi covered by clouds
Mawenzi covered by clouds
Down and up the trail
Down and up the trail
Unforgettable view
Unforgettable view
Julius - our great cook
Julius - our great cook
Porters going down from Kilimanjaro
Porters going down from Kilimanjaro
Back at the altitude below 3500 m asl
Back at the altitude below 3500 m asl
At the route from the Horombo camp
At the route from the Horombo camp
Mount Kilimanjaro flora - the Giant Groundsels
Mount Kilimanjaro flora - the Giant Groundsels
The last picture of Mawenzi
The "last picture" of Mawenzi
Back at the rainforest
Back at the rainforest
The way through the rainforest
The way through the rainforest
A nice walk down...
A nice walk down...
Smiling faces after the conquest of Kilimanjaro...
Smiling faces after the "conquest" of Kilimanjaro...
On the way to Marangu gate
On the way to Marangu gate
A short rest
A short rest
Closeup of the rainforest
Closeup of the rainforest
The rainforest
The rainforest
Only two hours left to Marangu gate
Only two hours left to Marangu gate
A little lake and the waterfall
A little lake and the waterfall
At the rainforest
At the rainforest
We have made it...
We have made it...
The entire team
The entire team
Celebration of our successful climbing
Celebration of our successful climbing
And the winner is...
And the winner is...
Mt. Kilimanjaro climbing certificate
Mt. Kilimanjaro climbing certificate
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