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2-27-04 Karl R. Josker



It was brought to Buffalo several years ago in anticipation of being converted to a gambling casino, however this plan never materialized, and it remains docked at Buffalo's southern outer harbor.

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jay 02-Oct-2011 21:44
So, your dad worked for the agency that produced the Aquarama's ads. Interesting. The ship's owner, Sand Products Corporation, Detroit, had a jingle produced for media use. "Take the fun trip on the fun ship, the S.S. Aquarama!". I heard it on local radio, but there could have also been a TV campaign. Do you have some idea who may know anything about the jingle or the ads?
Chris Ladnier 23-Jul-2011 02:47
Wow, my brothers and I were just remembering the Aquarama, my dad and mom would park downtown in Detroit where it was docked and we would watch all the cars drive under the ship it was amazing for a small child to see such a beautiful ship.
Linda Eatmon 27-Mar-2011 17:13
Iremember the Aquarama. I remember going to Detroit w/my parents. I was 5-6 years old. I remember we also took the car on the boat for additional money. So many (original)) Clevelanders my age don't remember the Aquarama.
Guest 21-Apr-2010 13:09
My dad worked for the agency that did some advertising for the Aquarama when it began service in Detroit. We got to ride to Cleveland and back one time. I hadn't thought much about it but got in and did some internet research a few months back. Alas, the Aquarama is no more. It was towed out of Buffalo and across the Atlantic and was broken up over in Turkey. Great memories thought
jearles20-Feb-2009 16:55
Maybe the sugar and creamer were off the Henry Ford I, I'll have to ask my Uncle.
jearles19-Feb-2009 21:16
I also have an authentic D&C wool blanket, and the pure silver coffee service (creamer and sugar) from The Henry Ford II
jearles19-Feb-2009 21:14
I spelled his name wrong. O'hara. O'H A R A.
jean earles 19-Feb-2009 17:18
My Uncle Harry, (Harry J O'Ohara,) was second mate on the Aquarama. For a very short time, I believe in 1957. He and Morgan Howell remained best friends, up until his death a few years ago. My husband and I, along with my Uncle, attended his funeral in Canada. We still keep in touch with his widow, Emily. Actually spoke to her this past Christmas. I have a ring buoy, (life ring) that hangs in my livingroom at my cottage on the St Clair River. Morgan gave it to my Uncle. I'm sure its one of a kind. I have often wondered what it is worth? I also have Aquarama pens, paper weights, photos etc. Really neat stuff.
Alexis 08-Dec-2008 05:54
I am looking for anyone who has any Aquarama merchandise that they would not mind selling. Any leads???
Paulette 07-Mar-2008 04:02
I remember going from Cleveland to Detroit on the Aquarama. It was approximately 1958 or 59. It was so much fun. There was a band and singer, great food and so much fun.
Robert Nozar 13-Feb-2008 16:57
I also sailed on the Aquarama. It was 1960 or 1961 and I was eight- or nine-years old. The cost to sail from Cleveland to Detroit and back for a child was $4.44 and for adults it was $8.88. Perhaps that was a special price that day. I remember there was some concern that the ship would not sail that day because the captain had to appear in court in Cleveland. It had something to do with him allowing liquor to be sold on Sunday. It was a beautiful sunny day and the return at night was magical. It is one of the fondest memories of my life and I so much appreciate the person who posted these pictures. Thank you. --Robert Nozar
Guest 03-Aug-2007 14:08
I sailed the Aquarama from Detroit to Cleveland in 1958 with the Sandusky Register delivery boys by winning a contest. It is a fond memory
al vlainic 06-Jul-2005 09:07
i remember the Aquarama being docked in Cleveland,Ohio next to the old Cleveland Municipal Stadium around 1963 or 1964. I was just 9 years old at that time . I do think that the Aquarama was used on Lake Erie previous to that time as a working excursion ship on the great lakes.