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Ali Majdfar | all galleries >> Galleries >> People & Portrait > IMG_2591r.jpg
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Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/100s f/5.6 at 85.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bill Klein14-Nov-2012 15:41
Superb shot! V!
Guest 26-Aug-2011 22:03
Very nice capture!
Wendy O02-Aug-2010 13:09
Great capture!
Guest 17-Feb-2010 13:18
A greta catch
poetry66608-Dec-2009 22:42
Excellent work Ali.BV
princess29-Aug-2009 05:20
Well seen and done. V.
beverley harrison26-Aug-2009 21:56
excellent catch!!
Fabienne04-Aug-2009 06:06
Un personnage étonnant et j'espère que vous ne l'avez pas réveillé avec le " clic" de votre apn :-)
C'est exellent.
John Armstrong13-May-2009 08:29
Super (V)
Guest 09-Mar-2009 01:31
Great capture!
Guest 06-Sep-2008 23:40
beautiful, strong story without words....amazing.
Larry Handal18-Mar-2008 02:00
great shot!
Gervan20-Jan-2008 13:51
Beautiful candid. V.
geonni banner21-Dec-2007 19:52
Love this! High blood-pressure isn't this lady's problem. Sweet dreams! V
Guest 11-Nov-2007 16:27
A very good image ndeed.
Guest 14-Oct-2007 11:57
Guest 19-Jul-2007 00:06
Well done. v
Robyco15-Jun-2007 21:18
Great candid (V)
12312-May-2007 05:13
Amazing! Love it.
Galina Stepanova09-May-2007 20:00
Very good, Ali!
Guest 06-May-2007 05:09
Well, I would make sure she is still alive! Excellent candid.
laine8205-May-2007 10:30
A wonderful capture, Ali.
QUERIDO05-May-2007 05:32
Beautiful shot,vote
Char05-May-2007 02:46
Hi Ali,
Excellent shot! \/
Guest 05-May-2007 02:36
Everyone can relate to this one. Great image, and love the b&w. v
1moremile05-May-2007 00:07
ha ha. This is awesome. Doesn't matter what country you are in. Some things are the same world over. Voted.
Steve Viscot04-May-2007 18:15
great shot - v
Paco López04-May-2007 18:14
Great capture!!!! Big vote!
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