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MAR-2006 Jola Dziubinska

Sad Face

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Ken Zaret16-May-2022 21:00
this is definitely a person
Konrad Busslinger18-Dec-2016 03:43
Well seen Jola. Love this one. The tree looks in to the political world. V
Zoltán Balogh21-Jan-2015 12:31
Excellent find: looks like a sad face. V
Alexander Kazakov18-Jan-2015 09:31
Superb! V
Robert Ballard23-Mar-2014 00:55
What a wonderful find!
Bernard Bosmans30-Jun-2010 22:53
Remember him, always a stern lecturer in the botany class. Great catch Jola.
Pete Hemington06-May-2010 20:09
Soo good
Roland06-May-2010 18:04
Great shot but I think it can use some eye drops :)
Guest 08-Feb-2010 21:18
You are right. Very sad. Great eye.
Guest 27-Jun-2009 03:29
I think it just realised it will only live 400 years!
blizzard29-Mar-2009 23:21
very well seen excellent work
take care of your self good bye
j>a>e>17 :):):)21-Mar-2009 02:38
he criezzz tearzzz o'heart for you spending time with him & HOW :):):)
carol j. phipps10-Sep-2008 01:01
You've got the eye for these! Wonderful imagination.
Jim Ross04-Mar-2008 22:37
Spooky... :-)
Martha Albuquerque24-Apr-2007 19:21
great find :( poor guy is sad :) v
Jim Ross08-Apr-2007 20:17
Hehe..Love this one....
Guest 29-Mar-2007 20:25
Yes, it is a sad looking face. Great find. :) I can see them often too to some tree trunks. V.
carol j. phipps20-Oct-2006 03:11
Like a pre-historic entity! Wonderful find.
Greg Harp20-Oct-2006 00:42
Wow! This is great.
Jen Bixler14-Oct-2006 13:15
Wow...this one is great! A sad Alien face!
R.Moreno28-Sep-2006 08:04
Guest 23-Sep-2006 09:34
:-( lol
Guest 22-Sep-2006 21:43
Excellent! Great find :)
arminb22-Sep-2006 16:44
really really good :o) ...ok, sad, but good :o))
Argishti Khachik01-Sep-2006 13:47
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad01-Sep-2006 04:19
Sad and perhaps a little shocked. :) V
Fabienne09-Aug-2006 21:31
Excellent, c'est vrai qu'il a l'air triste.
Guest 08-Aug-2006 16:21
Great portrait :) !
1moremile08-Aug-2006 00:16
Oh great. An unhappy tree.
Guest 18-Jun-2006 03:44
haha You are right, maybe he is related to the sad eye tree that I found.
Guest 04-Apr-2006 21:49
Nice find, Jola! Very realistic.
chrisse04-Apr-2006 21:35
This is too cool. Very nice find.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography04-Apr-2006 15:44
Good find :)
Linda Alstead03-Apr-2006 11:03
excellent spot!
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