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Jvan Photography | all galleries >> My pbase galleries >> Baby animals of 2005 > Lamancha Baby Goat look at the small ears!
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Lamancha Baby Goat look at the small ears!

Canon EOS 20D
1/4000s f/3.2 at 50.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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LaMancha Lover 25-Jul-2008 17:45
Ps. I think the colors of the baby goat is what gives the appearance of a cross breed, but LaManchas can be any color or combination of colors, unlike most other well known pure breeds.
LaMancha Lover 25-Jul-2008 17:43
in response to tracy: the caption reads 'LaMancha baby".. Lamanchas are a breed of goat all of their own; one of the six recognized breeds by the American Dairy Goat Association. They are known for having almost nonexistant outer ears ranging from a little shrivel of cartilage to two inches. They are also known as the most docile breed of dairy goats. hope that helps! ~Happiness Is A LaMancha <3~
Tracey Faltersack 01-Jan-2007 16:55
what type of goat is this, boer cross or a nubian cross ?
Guest 28-Nov-2006 18:53
Eee! Utter cuteness! And a lovely portrait!