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Long Island

Long Island includes not only the counties of Nassau and Suffolk, but also the New York City Boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn. Click on the picture of the map for more information.
Photographer's Note: I have geotagged the approximate locations at which I took many of my photographs in this gallery. Just click on "View Map" under the picture to see a map or satellite view pinpointing my nearly exact location. You can also get my coordinates and put them into a GPS so it can take you directly to that spot.
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Long Island (from Google Maps)
Long Island (from Google Maps)
Old Westbury Gardens
:: Old Westbury Gardens ::
Old Bethpage Village Restoration
:: Old Bethpage Village Restoration ::
:: Cedarmere ::
Planting Fields Arboretum
:: Planting Fields Arboretum ::
Bailey Arboretum
:: Bailey Arboretum ::
Clark Botanic Garden
:: Clark Botanic Garden ::
Bayard Cutting Arboretum
:: Bayard Cutting Arboretum ::
Hicks and Martin-Viette
:: Hicks and Martin-Viette ::
Japanese Stroll Garden
:: Japanese Stroll Garden ::
Nassau County Museum of Art
:: Nassau County Museum of Art ::
Longhouse Reserve
:: Longhouse Reserve ::
The Swan Club
:: The Swan Club ::
Oheka Castle
:: Oheka Castle ::
Caumsett State Historic Park
:: Caumsett State Historic Park ::
Vanderbilt Museum and Planetarium
:: Vanderbilt Museum and Planetarium ::
Sands Point Preserve
:: Sands Point Preserve ::
:: Chelsea ::
de Seversky Center
:: de Seversky Center ::
Mill Neck Manor
:: Mill Neck Manor ::
Winfield Hall
:: Winfield Hall ::
Webb Institute
:: Webb Institute ::
Glen Cove Mansion
:: Glen Cove Mansion ::
St. Josephat's Monastery
:: St. Josephat's Monastery ::
Coindre Hall
:: Coindre Hall ::
:: Elderfields ::
Meadow Croft Estate
:: Meadow Croft Estate ::
Bourne Mansion
:: Bourne Mansion ::
C.W. Post
:: C.W. Post ::
Connetquot River State Park
:: Connetquot River State Park ::
Jones Beach
:: Jones Beach ::
:: Roslyn ::
Kings Point
:: Kings Point ::
Stony Brook
:: Stony Brook ::
:: Huntington ::
Long Island Maritime Museum
:: Long Island Maritime Museum ::
:: Lighthouses ::
Long Island In Black & White
:: Long Island In Black & White ::
Saddle Rock Grist Mill
Saddle Rock Grist Mill
Saddle Rock Grist Mill
Saddle Rock Grist Mill
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