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Jerry Pillarelli | profile | all galleries >> Travel and Nature; Sites by State >> US Travel; by Trip, by State >> Northwestern Trip - Summer 2011 >> Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming >> Yellowstone National Park – Old Faithful Area, Wyoming tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Yellowstone National Park – Old Faithful Area, Wyoming

Images of Yellowstone National Park – Old Faithful Area in northwest Wyoming taken in July 2011.

The southwest side of Yellowstone National Park is home to one of the most recognizable features in the world; Old Faithful Geyser. However, the area around Old Faithful is also part of the Upper Geyser Basin, one of the largest concentrations of hydrothermal features in the world. Within walking distance of the beautiful Old Faithful Lodge lie hundreds of amazing springs, pools and geysers, all boiling, bubbling and spraying for anyone willing to hike the area trails and boardwalks.
Roosevelt Gate at the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park
Roosevelt Gate at the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful Geyser in all its glory in Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful Geyser in all its glory in Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful Geyser in all its glory in Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful Geyser in all its glory in Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful Geyser in all its glory in Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful Geyser in all its glory in Yellowstone National Park
Blue Star Spring in Yellowstone National Park
Blue Star Spring in Yellowstone National Park
Morning Glory Pool in Yellowstone National Park
Morning Glory Pool in Yellowstone National Park
Aurum Geyser goes off unexpectedly in Yellowstone National Park
Aurum Geyser goes off unexpectedly in Yellowstone National Park
Aurum Geyser goes off unexpectedly in Yellowstone National Park
Aurum Geyser goes off unexpectedly in Yellowstone National Park
A Yellowstone National Park Ranger provides information in front of Grand Geyser
A Yellowstone National Park Ranger provides information in front of Grand Geyser
Grand Geyser and the surrounding area in Yellowstone National Park
Grand Geyser and the surrounding area in Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful Lodge at sunset in Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful Lodge at sunset in Yellowstone National Park
Looking up from the lobby of Old Faithful Lodge in Yellowstone National Park
Looking up from the lobby of Old Faithful Lodge in Yellowstone National Park
The lobby of Old Faithful Lodge in Yellowstone National Park
The lobby of Old Faithful Lodge in Yellowstone National Park
1934 White Tour Bus parked in front of the Old Faithful Lodge in Yellowstone National Park
1934 White Tour Bus parked in front of the Old Faithful Lodge in Yellowstone National Park
1934 White Tour Bus in Yellowstone National Park
1934 White Tour Bus in Yellowstone National Park
Belgian Pool in Yellowstone National Park
Belgian Pool in Yellowstone National Park
Grotto Geyser having a minor eruption in Yellowstone National Park
Grotto Geyser having a minor eruption in Yellowstone National Park
Surface features in the Yellowstone National Park Upper Geyser Basin
Surface features in the Yellowstone National Park Upper Geyser Basin
Economic Geyser in Yellowstone National Park
Economic Geyser in Yellowstone National Park
Pump Geyser as it constantly churns in Yellowstone National Park
Pump Geyser as it constantly churns in Yellowstone National Park
Firehole River winding through the Upper Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park
Firehole River winding through the Upper Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park
Rainbow over Old Faithful Geyser as it comes to life in a rain storm in Yellowstone National Park
Rainbow over Old Faithful Geyser as it comes to life in a rain storm in Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful Geyser in a rain storm in Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful Geyser in a rain storm in Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful Geyser recedes in a rain storm in Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful Geyser recedes in a rain storm in Yellowstone National Park
Double rainbow over Old Faithful Lodge in Yellowstone National Park
Double rainbow over Old Faithful Lodge in Yellowstone National Park
Dusk in the Old Faithful area in Yellowstone National Park
Dusk in the Old Faithful area in Yellowstone National Park
Sunset on the steam rising from Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park
Sunset on the steam rising from Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park
Distant view of a Grand Geyser eruption in the Yellowstone National Park
Distant view of a Grand Geyser eruption in the Yellowstone National Park
The sun sets over the Old Faithful area in Yellowstone National Park
The sun sets over the Old Faithful area in Yellowstone National Park
Hot spring water flows in Yellowstone National Park
Hot spring water flows in Yellowstone National Park