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Jerry Pillarelli | profile | all galleries >> Travel and Nature; Sites by State >> US Travel; by Trip, by State >> Northwestern Trip - Summer 2011 >> Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Images of Yellowstone National Park in northwest Wyoming taken in July 2011.

The trip from the Flagg Ranch, where I resided while I toured Grand Teton National Park, was literally a two mile drive to the south gate of the spectacular Yellowstone National Park. It’s a massive park with so many interesting features ranging from the well known Old Faithful Geyser to the 1000 foot deep Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone featuring Yellowstone Falls (Upper Falls 109 ft. and Lower Falls 308 ft.). In between are some of the most unusual and interesting features; geysers, boiling mud pits and mud volcanoes, hot springs, steam vents and bottomless pools.

Yellowstone is the first national park ever created and probably the most popular judging by the amount of people everywhere in the park. I stayed at the Old Faithful Inn (Old Faithful Geyser was out the front door and to the right about a hundred yards) which is a magnificent old log lodge built in the winter of 1903-04. The lobby features a 65 foot vaulted ceiling, a massive stone fireplace and sits in the middle of one of the largest geyser basins in the world.

In order to do it all justice I have divided my stay into the following four galleries:

- Yellowstone – East
- Yellowstone – West
- Yellowstone – Mammoth Hot Springs
- Yellowstone – Old Faithful Area
Yellowstone National Park - East, Wyoming
Yellowstone National Park - East, Wyoming
Yellowstone National Park - West, Wyoming
Yellowstone National Park - West, Wyoming
Yellowstone National Park – Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming
Yellowstone National Park – Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming
Yellowstone National Park – Old Faithful Area, Wyoming
Yellowstone National Park – Old Faithful Area, Wyoming