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John C. de Freitas | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lensbaby Captures > 2013 - "Purple Rain" - Lensbay, Macro
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John de Freitas

2013 - "Purple Rain" - Lensbay, Macro

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PBase Show & Tell Competition Winning Photographs




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Peter Stubley21-Apr-2017 20:58
Very nice indeed.
Cindi Smith15-Dec-2015 22:13
Gorgeous! V
Terry Sprague10-Dec-2015 22:27
very cool!! V
Mieke WA Minkjan10-Dec-2015 06:39
beautiful, i like the movement in it too V
Walter Otto Koenig07-Dec-2015 15:55
Nice work John. Good one for both challenges.
LynnH06-Dec-2015 20:28
Clever work! Wow! V
larose forest photos06-Dec-2015 19:42
Outstandingly beautiful work. Very talented! VV
Julie Oldfield24-Dec-2014 20:27
Amazing macro!! V
MarcViskens27-Jun-2014 18:36
love it
larose forest photos22-Apr-2014 20:04
Stunning!! V
Chris22-Apr-2014 18:07
J. Scott Coile22-Apr-2014 15:01
Macro fantastic!
Dawn Seitz22-Apr-2014 14:59
Nice light and color.
Janice Dunn22-Apr-2014 07:40
Good one for the challenge John
Markus Grompe30-Jan-2013 14:50
that frame is something else... is it taken from the same image?
Dan the Man29-Jan-2013 14:30
GREAT! I love it! V
Derec Owen24-Jan-2013 20:19
so simple, but so effective, just beautiful. Voted !!!
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