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Flo Hendry 2008 Events & Holidays - Danville Art

Street Artist View: Robin Hood Reincarnated in Chalk

November 8th PAD entry: A Song, A Poem, A Proverb

Steve Seskin songs have been recorded by Waylon Jennings, Alabama, Tim McGraw, John Michael Mongomery and more

Robin Hood Getting Reincarnated

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18
1/160s f/5.0 at 9.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
irislynx11-Oct-2012 07:15
Great find, Great image! Love the way it's presented! It actually made me tilt my head to look at the other perspective of it lol! To me, An image that can hold your attention/ Make you move to get a different view/ Captures your imagination of it, Is a Great Image! And thats what you have here!!
Margaret Lew08-Dec-2008 07:31
Wow! This is just a great image.
Jason Anderson11-Nov-2008 02:10
Awesome reversal, perfect for the song (and vice versa!)
Cindi Smith09-Nov-2008 23:09
Oh yeah! This is excellent! I love how you combined the song with the great image!
Máire Uí Mhaicín09-Nov-2008 21:03
An excellent capture and very well presented.
Guest 09-Nov-2008 09:18
wow! what a great find. I really like that you flipped the image. Very nice.
Guest 09-Nov-2008 03:58
Art art art all the way.
bill friedlander09-Nov-2008 03:05
Good capture of artist at work.
j>a>e>17 :):):)09-Nov-2008 02:38
radical robin hoood dances offf this chalk creation at midnight...AAAHHHHOOO, j>a>e>17 :):):)
Harrison09-Nov-2008 02:01
Excellent shot, love how you turned it upside down...very good.
wernere0109-Nov-2008 01:55
Superb shot with a puzzling point of view.
Guest 08-Nov-2008 23:51
Very colorful image, and nice music.
Maaike Huizer08-Nov-2008 21:47
What a great find and shot indeed. Had to look twice.
Mairéad08-Nov-2008 20:47
A very nice find to illustrate the song.
laine8208-Nov-2008 15:46
Excellent combination of image & music.
Barbara Heide08-Nov-2008 13:36
excellent find!
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