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All Cameras >> Panasonic >> Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18 Digital Camera Sample Photos

g3/87/331787/3/90499727.AXA0h8oh.jpgg3/87/331787/3/90499730.79Uhz4NA.jpgg3/87/331787/3/90499732.QZBhL7xz.jpgg3/87/331787/3/90499735.J6RroDif.jpgmore photos
Marketed: 24-Jul-2007
Megapixels: 8.1
Random Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18 Samples from 32804 available Photos more
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Thomas on Islands27-May-2009 02:53
Ever since the FZ10 with its magnificent Leica Mega-Zoom we added "a Lumix" to our equipment.

All these models have their limitations due to tiny sensors, but the combination of high quality glass, and incredibly effective image stabilization makes these cameras compelling tools for travel photography. I see clearly no match to them by any Nikon, Canon or Sony camera of a comparable kind to this day! Lumixe's rule sovereign in their class.

But: Instead of evolving the FZ10/FZ20 line, Lumix FZ30 and FZ50 became "something fully different" with a large, bulky lens. And so we switched to the model FZ18, evolved from the smaller FZ7, FZ8 line. And here the sensor is even smaller, and the lens is a bit darker. I wish Panasonic would have paid more attention to the quality of the pixels and released a post FZ20 camera. It's constant F/2.8 Leica was clearly superior!

But, unfortunately there are also several other "dark sides" of the FZ18:

1) Panasonic was slow in adding a RAW mode, and insists on using its own unpopular RAW format, despite the fact that be top Lumix/Leica models use Adobe DNG. Why RAW and not DNG? What for? DNG is more compact and promises to be portable.

2) RAW images take immense time to be stored to the card, what renders these cameras useless for RAW action photography. This calls please finally for a solution! Also, we would like to know what is the resolution of the A/D in bits/pixel in RAW mode. JPEG is 8bit, its miserable of course. Typical raw format base on a 12bit/pixel A/D converter, and 14bit/pixel is nowadays added in many Canon and Nikon models.

3) The hood, the bizarre hood with a screw... How strange, how unnecessary! Why this foolishness, why not to provide a regular quick mount, like everybody else does? Cheaper, smaller, faster to operate... Anything else to add? Just do it Panasonic!!

4) FZ20 allowed for a hood ring to be attached, and the lens to be covered. Here this is not possible. Booo Panasonic, booo, booo. Also, FZ10/FZ20 ring would allow to extend the lens inside of its dimensions, what kept the lens protected. One could drop in the camera into a bag with extended lens. We liked that, I never took off that ring from the FZ20. This was simply better designed.

5) Missing flash shoe. FZ10/FZ20 have a flash shoe, please add it back Panasonic!!

To summarize: These Lumix'es are superb tools for many situations, as long ISO-200 or less is needed. ISO 400 is a misery, and anything more is a travesty. Note that the FZ28 is not an improvement worth upgrading! I will keep the FZ18 for the time being.

Note that PBase mishandles FZ18 EXIF data! You must add the camera type manually! This, and only this explains the very small number of images made by this camera recorded by PBase. I wrote about that to support NUMEROUS TIMES for over 14 months, literally begging for a fix. But PBase being what it is, how it is, will sometimes simply ignore a malfunction or a customer. Who cares? Right?
Christian Lallier27-Oct-2008 08:42
i am so happy with
cits_4_pets27-Jun-2008 01:49
Good optics & love the full manual controls. Image stabilization very good. Weakness lies in low light situations as it can be noisy. As far as functioning, it is a fun camera to use. My main complaint is the manual focusing is a joystick & not a lens ring. No hotshoe for external flash so slave flash unit must be used. This is my 1st dig. camera. My bird shots are much better with this than my film Nikon with Tokina & Tamron zoom lenses. galleries are mostly photos shot with this camera. Both good & BAD shots are up there. (There are also few Nikon shots in similiar lighting & setting situations for comparison). Flo Hendry
Isabel Cutler12-Jan-2008 19:53
Lots of feedback on Panasonic Talk at Check out my pbase gallery:
Isabel Cutler
Donald Verger24-Nov-2007 19:19
does any one have this camera? any feedback?

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