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David Kilpatrick | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sony Alpha 350 > tagororcavebar.jpg
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21-MAR-2008 David Kilpatrick


El Tagoror, Barranco de Guyadeque, Gran Canaria

The Alpha 350 is subject to some extreme adverse propaganda, especially the myth that high ISOs are destroyed so much by noise they are unusable. Actually, the results at a setting like ISO 800 are so far ahead of the Alpha 100 they transform the final image. This example is presented to you as a full size (Alamy, Getty, etc) stock library export which means it has been interpolated upwards, when converting the raw file, to 5120 pixels wide.

The shot shows the cave-restaurant bar of El Tagoror, which is a tourist landmark in the Barranco de Guyadeque, Gran Canaria. The important parts are the stone ceiling and walls, the cured hams, hats and locals. The A350 enabled this hand-held shot by having first of all a good 16mm focal length on the zoom (CZ 16-80mm); secondly, a built-in flash genuinely able to cover 16mm; thirdly, enough power from the flash to stop down to f5.6 and get sufficient depth of field plus a slightly cleaner image at the edges; fourth, the Night Portrait mode to enable a perfect balance of flash with existing artificial light; fifth, Super Steady Shot to allow a 1/5th exposure without shake.

The level of detail, and the lack of noise, contradict some of the very negative myths about the Alpha 350.

Sony DSLR-A350
1/5s f/5.6 at 16.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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pp 15-Jul-2008 05:16
Indeen not bad, but a better tone curve would have been better here.The pic looks very flat imho. But this could also be a result of the flash.Anyway it still looks a little flat.