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Sony DSLR-A350 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 31-Jan-2008
Lens Mount: Alpha
Megapixels: 14.2
Random Sony DSLR-A350 Samples from 15564 available Photos more
g3/85/581485/3/108210216.8Hea6Dl9.jpg g10/32/883532/3/166836627.Dt6eT7Ru.jpg g5/17/118917/3/107219034.PH0b0DNv.jpg g2/50/470950/3/147411748.u77WGodW.jpg
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Frank15-Jun-2013 02:41
A great camera expecaliy now that its been out for a few years. The price for a used a350 can be had for about 250.00-400.00 used. I like shooting with old lens that back in their day were high dollar but can now be bought for 35.00 to 500.00 depends on what your looking for. The point is a person can get into 35mm DSLR with changable lens cheep and start building up an impressive collection of equipment while taking stunning photos. Yes I like the canon 5d but 3500.00 for the body alone is a bit expensive for a hobby photographer. I have the Minolta 7D and the Sony a350, all alph (A) mount lens and my old manual lens are MD mount with an adapter. This Sony a350 is great 35mm DSLR camera
Lou Giroud11-Feb-2009 03:17
new 12.3 APSC C-Mos, half od the A900 in same body. Looks great and hope to see shots soon
Guest 28-Sep-2008 17:37
I love this camera. You can easily change the ISO in all the modes (even automatic) and the menu system is very user friendly. I shoot in low or natural light alot, so this is great. The flip down live view screen, ofcourse is really fantastic. The screen doesn't flip enough that you can take self portraits, but the ability to shoot odd angles without pulling any muscles is really nice.
Lou Giroud15-Sep-2008 13:08

the first pictures of the new Alpha 900 - 24 mpix full frame with preview
Guest 27-Jun-2008 18:30
Sure, the ingenious live view feature of the Alpha 350 is what wins it many customers, but the camera itself is an excellent body and truly is state of the art in digital photography. I'd say this model in particular shows much in common with the Dynax 7D photo quality which sadly is no more. I had problems guessing which shots were Alpha and which were Dynax 7D when I set myself a lil test of 'spot the camera'.
Glad to see Sony have kept the algorithm much the same as the Dynax series.
Will the Alpha win over the hardened Canon & Nikon shooters though?
If this model can't persuade them, nothing can.
Nice one Sony.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)17-Apr-2008 15:39
See my photos made with SONY ALPHA 350.
Then judge for yourself.
Guest 03-Apr-2008 17:47

All other contemporary systems use the main imaging sensor to generate the preview, meaning the primary reflex mirror has to be raised to engage live view mode. In most cases this mirror then needs to flip down to allow focus and metering, then back up again before shot can be taken. Because Sony's system keeps the primary mirror down, this delay is avoided. In theory this means you can compose the image as you might on a compact camera, but retain the rapid response times you'd expect from a DSLR.

My fotos with SONY a350:
Guest 03-Apr-2008 00:37
My previous DSLR was the sony Alpha DSLR 100 I liked the Camera but mist the Live view.
I take a lot of pictrures from the hip, or low near the groud. This Sony live view is fast and very usefull.


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