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Terry Thormin | all galleries >> Costa Rica >> Plants of Costa Rica > Queen Aechmea Bromeliad - Aechmea mariae-reginae 1 - LS.JPG
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Queen Aechmea Bromeliad - Aechmea mariae-reginae 1 - LS.JPG

Although the Queen Aechmea is one of the larger bromeliads, growing up to a metre across, it is certainly not the largest as some species can have a vegetative growth that is 3 to 4 metres tall. Large plants like this may be able to hold up to 5 gallons of water between their leaves. After heavy rains a branch that is heavily laden with bromeliads may break and fall to the ground under the combined weight of the plants and the water they hold.

Canon PowerShot S5 IS
1/60s f/5.0 at 12.1mm iso100 full exif

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