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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> Galleries >> PERSONAL > Mirror
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2006 Jola Dziubinska


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Roy Birger Nilsen12-Feb-2007 19:58
Great SP Jola,the tones are wonderful!:-)
Jen Bixler08-Feb-2007 03:49
Doubly pretty.
Guest 08-Feb-2007 02:26
Mirror on the wall/Who is the fairest of them all?:)
Faye White08-Feb-2007 01:17
great idea and well done!
Guest 08-Feb-2007 00:31
Look me in the eye and say that! LOL
well done
Monte Stevens08-Feb-2007 00:16
Mow there's teow lovely women! :) Great shot, but the idea is even better. Monte
Victoria08-Feb-2007 00:03
Great shot
Lee G07-Feb-2007 23:33
Sweet image Jola!
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