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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Birds Gallery >> Birds by Location >> Birds of Texas >> Egrets of Texas > Reddish Egret Landing 20070130
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Reddish Egret Landing 20070130

Little Bay

With this kind of shot there's no time to correct for mistakes,
as there's hardly enough time to capture the split second of the moment,
it's amazing the autofocus focused on the bird and not the foreground grass.
What a marvelous technology!

Photographed at Rockport, Texas USA.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
1/1000s f/6.3 at 195.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Aristóteles Alves Ferreira 24-Feb-2009 02:40
Ótima foto........................................................................Parabéns
GP Merfeld22-Oct-2008 05:48
...and what a marvelous image...
Guest 14-Jun-2008 17:49
Excellent !!! V
Luc Meynaerts17-Sep-2007 13:37
Superb shot, well done!
Guest 15-Aug-2007 10:28
He's a great dancer! :)
Guest 26-Mar-2007 21:18
Karen Moen31-Jan-2007 13:09
Amazing moment captured perfectly with those graceful wing feathers. Voted.
Yi Feng31-Jan-2007 04:19
Great timing.
lou_rozensteins30-Jan-2007 23:29
Beautiful ... just the right moment. Voted.
Gayle P. Clement30-Jan-2007 20:38
Awesome, Gordon. GMV
Silvia Roitman30-Jan-2007 19:11
very very nice!!!
Guest 30-Jan-2007 18:28
great shot,catch, excellent.
Jean-Paul PLUME30-Jan-2007 18:20
Greg Lavaty30-Jan-2007 18:03
Excellent wing position Vote