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Jarek M | all galleries >> Galleries >> Show & Tell Competition Awards > DSC_9595.jpg
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08-DEC-2006 Jarek M.


My lips are zipped...

Winner of the 631st Show & Tell Competition Pareidolia.

My photos recognised in the Show & Tell Competition.

Nikon D70s ,Sigma 18-125mm F3.5-5.6 DC IF ASP
1/160s f/5.6 at 125.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Jola Dziubinska22-May-2022 00:48
Congratulations on the first place in the 631st Show & Tell Competition: Pareidolia !
Bernard Bosmans11-Feb-2011 11:06
No secrets to reveal, it's all in the open, a top notch amusing shot Jarek. V.
Yves Rubin19-Apr-2009 00:31
So fun!
zyziza08-Dec-2006 16:04
great Jarek!
Jola Dziubinska08-Dec-2006 13:53
Sharon Rogers08-Dec-2006 13:50
:-/ hehe