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Bill Warren | all galleries >> Galleries >> Laugh at Life > Catching Scott's smile
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Catching Scott's smile

Thursday 10/19/06 Challenge: Catching a smile.

First I was going to just use this silly grin shot of Scott but then got thinking about the "catch" part and...a time consuming photo project took over my life for several hours. Here are the details for the techies.

This is basically a straight self portrait shot. It is not a photoshoped collage. I am holding an 8 by 10 photo that I printed. The camera is on a tripod in the bedroom. I used the self timer to give me enough time to get posed. I used bounced directional flash on the camera and used my night table reading light to throw a little backlighting on my left hand. It was difficult to get the pose and lighting right. I had to hold the picture just right so the it did not relfect flash into the camera. And had to get my hands poised just so near the mouth. I used a longer exposure to give just a touch of blur and burn to the image. I just love the cartoonish way that the photo of the photo turned out. Hope you enjoy also.

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Pawel03-Apr-2009 12:56
Briliant Bill :o!
Guest 29-Dec-2007 20:26
Great work and interesting explanation! V
Adalberto Tiburzi26-Nov-2006 18:37
No doubt, you "caught" the smile!
Excellent idea ;-))
shatterbug22-Oct-2006 07:24
Wow! Nice job...great challenge entry!
Guest 20-Oct-2006 23:39
Two smiles ! great work for the challenge
Barbara Heide20-Oct-2006 19:45
superb smile! nicely done!
Dave Wixx20-Oct-2006 15:53
Force that smile!! Nice idea.
Bob Floyd20-Oct-2006 14:14
Wow! Great effort here. You get a V just for that.
Susan Leigh20-Oct-2006 07:51
great SP, well done!
Linda Willets20-Oct-2006 04:31
ohh so creative
Cindi Smith20-Oct-2006 03:04
LOL! This one has to make you chuckle!
Yvonne20-Oct-2006 01:45
Fantastic shot! Surely was worth the effort!
Sheila19-Oct-2006 23:53
Two smiles for the price of one! All your work paid off, it's a great effort.
Guest 19-Oct-2006 22:43
Nice composition.
Guest 19-Oct-2006 22:34
Wow This is very creative. I love it. GMV
chrisse19-Oct-2006 21:39
Wow, very creative and very well executed ! GMV for sure !
Guest 19-Oct-2006 20:56
Very nice composition.
laine8219-Oct-2006 20:53
Very bright !!!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 20:38
Carole Stevens19-Oct-2006 20:24
So funny this is one of my favourites! Great treatment! BIGGY VOTE!V!
Jessica McCollum19-Oct-2006 19:59
What a great take on the challenge! Seems to have been worth the effort : )
wernere0119-Oct-2006 19:44
Great work and perfect interpretation. gmv
Jola Dziubinska19-Oct-2006 19:11
Clever and amusing :))
beverley harrison19-Oct-2006 18:34
excellent smile!!
JW19-Oct-2006 17:55
Great original idea!
CJ Burianek19-Oct-2006 17:44
excellent idea and planning! Turned out excellent!
nordic19-Oct-2006 17:16
Very creative, well done, great entry...
royalld19-Oct-2006 16:55
You caught two smiles... now three if we count mine.
Wei O'Connell19-Oct-2006 16:38
Michael Shpuntov19-Oct-2006 14:27
Very inventive aproach to the challenge I like the idea and shot.
JSWaters19-Oct-2006 14:21
Definately worth the effort. ~Voted~
Dana19-Oct-2006 14:16
Very well done. I'm not a photo techie, but enjoyed reading your process for catching the shot. Thank you.
Guest 19-Oct-2006 13:06
excellent composition! ;-)
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography19-Oct-2006 12:52
Good work :)
Eckhart Derschmidt19-Oct-2006 12:50
Great! Excellent idea and execution! GMV
Dan Chusid19-Oct-2006 12:48
Perfect smile!
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