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Debbie B. | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photowhenican 2006 > 9-27-6 Big Effort
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9-27-6 Big Effort

One from tonight. I am leaving for the Tetons tomorrow for a few days. I hope to come back with some pretty fall pictures.

Canon EOS 20D
1/640s f/6.3 at 200.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Greg Harp04-Oct-2006 22:07
Terrific capture of the action.
Brian Lehane29-Sep-2006 02:55
Great Shot. Very Well Done
Jen Bixler29-Sep-2006 01:27
great image. nice and clear...hope that wrist was okay!
Bill Ewart Jr29-Sep-2006 00:36
Wow, bright and brilliant colors as well as super stop action!~ v
shatterbug28-Sep-2006 22:43
Terrific action shot!
Guest 28-Sep-2006 22:33
But it is not stepping ;-) Excellent action shot.
John Beck28-Sep-2006 19:46
A very well done action shot which also fits the challenge very well.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 19:18
Very nice catch Debbie. Good entry.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography28-Sep-2006 19:10
Oh! It hurts :)
Jola Dziubinska28-Sep-2006 18:34
Super action shot, Debbie. Fits to the challenge.
Bryan Murahashi28-Sep-2006 15:08
Nice action shot. Have fun in the Tetons and look forward to the colorful pics.