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bao tran | all galleries >> Botswana & South Africa - Jun 2006 >> my_favorites > sunrise at natta 2
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sunrise at natta 2

Canon EOS 350D
1/160s f/7.1 at 85.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Barry S Moore01-Dec-2010 10:23
Brilliant composition ~V~
Thierry Lucas11-Dec-2008 20:47
Excellent capture. V
monica memoli30-Mar-2008 23:51
Wow! v
Webman0602-Jul-2007 08:16
Deserves a large print and a good frame. My Vote.
Eric Herbelin19-May-2007 18:30
so beautiful, almost irreal! v
Rene Hales27-Mar-2007 21:47
Congratulations! Well done.--Rene
Gemm Ferrane25-Mar-2007 20:51
Fantastic shot! It's a kind of image that really makes you feel you want to be there.