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looking up.

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/60s f/5.6 at 55.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
SRW26-Jun-2006 18:40
Clever _and_ funny! (V)
Bob Floyd23-Jun-2006 14:19
Very original! Well thought out and exectued. V.
(hope the neck is better today...)
Pascale Guittonneau23-Jun-2006 07:16
Oh my neck!
akleja23-Jun-2006 06:43
Original and fun! Clever idea!
Cindi Smith23-Jun-2006 02:26
I thought about that....looking something up, but seems you needed it more than me! Hope your back gets to feeling better! Nothing like the Chiropractor helping you out.
Yvonne22-Jun-2006 23:42
Great shot of an innovative sign. They work wonders these practitioners
when you're in need.
Sheila22-Jun-2006 23:30
Very original Johnny! Well done.
I hope you get your back fixed soon.
northstar3722-Jun-2006 22:53
a bit of wd40 should do the trick
Guest 22-Jun-2006 22:16
Great original approach Johnny:-))
J. Scott Coile22-Jun-2006 22:10
Nice twist. I was wondering who would break the literal interpretation :) BRAVO JJ!
Jessica McCollum22-Jun-2006 22:02
Hope it works! Great shot!
Neil Horner22-Jun-2006 21:36
hope its better soon, weve had the grey skies with just the odd sunny moment when i managed to bag a shot.
Guest 22-Jun-2006 20:37
heheh...i knew someone was going to this. :)
shatterbug22-Jun-2006 20:16
Hehe! Clever shot! I know how you feel (groans). :^O
Guest 22-Jun-2006 20:11
LOL - very clever!
laine8222-Jun-2006 20:02
I need some of that too...move over !! :>)
Jim Ross22-Jun-2006 19:41
Nothing worse than a sore neck... Hope he fixed it.. .;-)
Kathy Pedersen22-Jun-2006 19:39
You are so clever!!!! This is the most original challenge shot for looking up I have seen!
beverley harrison22-Jun-2006 19:09
ooooo i know how that feels!!
Lee Rudd22-Jun-2006 19:08
lol it sorta does that!
Scott Browne22-Jun-2006 19:06
Ouch! Nice shot, though.
Faye White22-Jun-2006 19:04
very clever! ;)
Zak22-Jun-2006 18:02
heheh, maybe next week should be 'looking down' for your neck to recover ;-)
Jola Dziubinska22-Jun-2006 17:53
Cool shot :)
Nicki Thurgar22-Jun-2006 17:49
LOL,good one, much better than a pic of grey sky!
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