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B. Shortall - BCS Photography | all galleries >> Just About Everything Else... >> Rust in Piece >
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Nikon D70
1/125s f/5.6 at 24.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Bartosz Kotulski12-Jun-2009 12:29
fantastic capture. great light and very interesting subject. great in b&w
Monte Dodge29-Oct-2008 15:02
Perrecctttt! vote
Guest 08-May-2008 17:52
This is superb. Love the "feel" of it.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad20-Jun-2007 14:25
...and a beautiful shot. Nice tonal quality and comp. V
Guest 30-Mar-2007 02:39
Wow Lynne what a find! Like you I love these relics.
Guest 27-Nov-2006 04:55
this one is great....what a moody feel it has.
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