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Andres Sanchez | all galleries >> Galleries >> B&W > This image was the winner in the 171th Show & Tell contest: Chairs
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This image was the winner in the 171th Show & Tell contest: Chairs

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Richard Cobby16-Aug-2012 06:26
A great study of light and shadows. V.
cits_4_pets23-Feb-2011 03:54
Nice shadow play with all the different angles of lines.
Guest 19-Feb-2011 16:03
beautifull lines and part-circle
Evaristo Buendia Carrera30-Sep-2010 03:08
Good shot Andres!
Guest 25-Sep-2010 17:38
congratulations for this great light/shadow game;
I like all those lines, the contrast and the chair placement;
a fair winner of the 171st Show & Tell Competition: Chairs