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05-MAR-2005 © Stuart Clyne

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
5s f/7.1 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 05-Mar-2008 01:02
Wonderful shot!
Bill Morgenstern01-Dec-2007 21:56
Amazing visual impact. Well deserved winner.
Sam X01-Oct-2007 21:28
great image and congrats...
Paul Dudley30-Sep-2007 22:38
Love your picture, but can't quite work out where and what it is. Please explain.
Barry S Moore30-Sep-2007 06:56
Congratulations on your excellent image and win. The light and reflections is particularly good in your picture. I have a similar bridge perspective image to yours, but not as good! at and would appreciate any comments thanks. Great work and big vote.
Guest 30-Sep-2007 06:03
This is a superb image .... a deserved winner. Congratulations!
Guest 30-Sep-2007 03:50
congrats on winning the contest... this IS a great shot... great light and great timing.
Bill Warren11-Nov-2006 01:50
At the right spot at the right time. Excellent.
arminb08-Jan-2006 07:50
Great as well :))
Guest 07-Jan-2006 15:59
Obviously you have a talent for spotting the exceptional ;)
Robin 22-Sep-2005 14:31
It took me a while to firgure out where this is. Brilliant!
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