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Paul Dudley | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hundred Best so far (1992 - 2023) > "No, I'm not going to look."
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09-Nov-2004 Paul Dudley

"No, I'm not going to look."

Beach next to Long Reef, Sydney view map

Minolta DiMAGE A1
1/1600s f/4.5 at 18.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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cits_4_pets19-Jul-2018 17:01
Still Makes Me Laugh! Love it.
cits_4_pets31-Jan-2018 03:32
LOL, great timing & composition...great nature shot!
Brenda Knoll Budd28-Jul-2010 04:15
What a comical photo. So very clear, detailed and story telling.
Guest 02-Dec-2007 14:25
I LOVE this shot! It has a great story, great title, and great subjects! Voted!
Sue Robertson13-May-2006 07:58
Great capture. Love your title.
Guest 20-May-2005 13:25
Excellent capture! I like this very much!........Mac Uk