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Forbidden Donut | all galleries >> Galleries >> The House On The Rock > House on the Rock -The Ultimate 70's Bachelor Pad.jpg
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House on the Rock -The Ultimate 70's Bachelor Pad.jpg

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jennifer 29-Oct-2008 13:36
i would love this room! oooh.. i want to visit.. eccentricity is calling me...
Lorelei Bell 06-Sep-2008 18:13
My husband and I have been to H. on the R. twice, and first time was like walking into a wild dream . . . the music, everything you see. extraordinary! I loved it.
dave taysoom 18-May-2007 16:26
I have been to house on the rock two times in the past, and have found the experience to be very nice and wonderful, and plan on attending the place again this summer to show my girlfriend, she is very excited to see the tour and the new attractions.
garrett 01-Apr-2006 17:53
this room reminded me of a cave mans dream house, the whole house kinda reminded me of that