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9/11/2004 Kosta Trimovski

Illinois Beach SP

Zion IL

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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography12-Mar-2005 15:43
Superb image.
jude13-Sep-2004 00:57
Very pretty sky.. i like the softness it gives off.. very dreamy looking
Rich Adams12-Sep-2004 23:01
Wonderful shot!
Guest 12-Sep-2004 21:18
Stunning! Beautiful work, the colours are excellent!!
Guest 12-Sep-2004 21:05
Great! How did you create the texture, which is more like a painting than a photo? Might want to imitate this style sometime. Thanks! :)
Graham Whitehead12-Sep-2004 20:44
Beautiful image, makes me really want to BE there.
Herb 12-Sep-2004 20:40
Nice compositon
Ola Berglund12-Sep-2004 20:38
Very nice picture