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David Mingay | all galleries >> ...Everything Else >> People Pictures > Sam - catching bubbles
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Sam - catching bubbles

This is Sam - Kelly and Mike's son. They asked me to do some pictures of him a long time ago, and we've finally got together to do them. Sam's now 25% older than he was when they first asked me!

I was really pleased with the results, and love this shot in particular.

Canon PowerShot G2
1/500s f/2.5 at 12.5mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 13-Apr-2009 20:02
Fantastic image! like from advertising! :) V
Guest 30-Mar-2006 17:51
OMG! This is outstanding!!!!! :) I would love a pic like this of each of my grand kids.. :) Awesome!! :)
Guest 03-Jul-2005 00:47
Guest 21-May-2004 20:07
snootydog09-Jan-2004 03:49
Whoa... I really love this image. - liza
Guest 06-Jul-2003 15:18
This is a fantastic image! I like how the bubbles are easily visible, too.