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Jeff B. | all galleries >> Northwest Bucket List >> Washington >> Cape Disappointment Lighthouse > * Cape Disappointment Lighthouse
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* Cape Disappointment Lighthouse

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claude24-Jul-2022 16:35
A superb picture !
Christian Dumont14-Jul-2022 20:41
Impressive shot!
dirk~ 13-Feb-2022 10:40
Great image about force of nature, terrific composition V
Gerwyn Gibbs07-Feb-2022 16:01
There is immense power in this image, great depth of field. V.
Jeff Real05-Feb-2022 15:02
What an incredible addition to one of the most amazing galleries I have ever seen!
I feel privileged to see this!
Neil Marcus04-Feb-2022 13:40
It must have been exciting being there, waiting for this ferocious wave Well situated and timed "VVV"
Jean-Claude Billonneau03-Feb-2022 11:42
Superbe déclenchement. V.
pascal01-Feb-2022 08:29
Fantastic ! Great shot.
Markus Grompe31-Jan-2022 04:55
super timing!!!! bigV
Carol E Sandgren29-Jan-2022 05:52
That's amazing!!
lroz28-Jan-2022 23:59
Beautiful ... just the right moment!
Walter Otto Koenig27-Jan-2022 16:26
Awesome shot Jeff! Excellent timing. "V"
Bob B.27-Jan-2022 14:44
Picture is NOT a disappointment! V
Danad27-Jan-2022 09:13
Wow ! Impressive capture !
globalgadabout27-Jan-2022 04:08
fantastic....what a rich pulse in that spectacular wave...a superb image, very well crafted..
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