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Jeff B. | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Northwest Bucket List tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Northwest Bucket List

My local photography "to do" list, including beautiful natural scenery, historical points of interest, and roadside attractions in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Special nod to and for bringing many of these points of interest to my attention.

On this map, pins are sites included in this gallery:
On this map, pins are sites I've not yet visited:
Burke Museum Ichthyology Collection
Burke Museum Ichthyology Collection
East Kong Yick Building at the Wing Luke Museum
East Kong Yick Building at the Wing Luke Museum
Inscape Arts and Cultural Center
Inscape Arts and Cultural Center
Snoqualmie Tunnel
Snoqualmie Tunnel
Book Arts & Rare Book Collections
Book Arts & Rare Book Collections
Dunn Gardens
Dunn Gardens
Grinning Doughboy
Grinning Doughboy
Smith Tower Penthouse
Smith Tower Penthouse
Camlann Village
Camlann Village
Tree Grate Museum
Tree Grate Museum
Neukom Vivarium
Neukom Vivarium
Psychic Chicken of Seattle
Psychic Chicken of Seattle
Discovery Park
Discovery Park
Fort Lawton
Fort Lawton
Tai Tung Restaurant
Tai Tung Restaurant
A Sound Garden
A Sound Garden
Deep Sea Sugar & Salt
Deep Sea Sugar & Salt
Georgetown Steam Plant
Georgetown Steam Plant
Steve's Weird House
Steve's Weird House
Northwest African American Museum
Northwest African American Museum
Indigenous Eats
Indigenous Eats
North Idaho Trading Company
North Idaho Trading Company
Pulaski Tunnel Trail
Pulaski Tunnel Trail
Hiawatha Trail
Hiawatha Trail
Campbell House
Campbell House
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