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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Alberta Revisited > Prairie
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Near Cochran, Alberta

Moving on ! Heading north towards Drumheller.
Long straight roads through the endless prairie.

Canon EOS 6D
1/4000s f/6.3 at 135.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Vijay Nanda20-Aug-2022 20:48
Well deserved first place. A beautiful minimalistic composition. Congratulations.
Arthur Lebacq26-Aug-2021 07:58
A beautiful panorama...nicely framed...perfect work....VV
bill friedlander24-Aug-2021 23:12
A fine panorama of prairie lands. V
lou_rozensteins24-Aug-2021 23:10
The panoramic format suits the wide open space of the picture! Well done.
Walter Otto Koenig24-Aug-2021 15:23
Love the expanse and colors. Great choice of format. "V"
Helen Betts24-Aug-2021 13:57
Love the varied colors in this great landscape capture. V.
Neil Marcus24-Aug-2021 12:58
Lovell lines of color in the fields. Anoutstanding panorama, Gill. "VVV"
janescottcumming24-Aug-2021 11:26
That's a lot of flat land. Beautiful pano.
danad24-Aug-2021 09:38
Superb wide open spaces...V.
globalgadabout24-Aug-2021 04:59
wide open for sure, but pretty with the extensive crops adding so much colour...this image offers a strong sense of being there..
joseantonio24-Aug-2021 04:52
beautiful panorama. I love those flowers in the foreground.V.
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