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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trip to Bella Coola > Statue
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Bella Coola, BC

Inspite of a forecast for 100% chance of rain,
the sun came out and we were able to explore this remote place.

Canon EOS 6D
1/1250s f/5.6 at 40.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dan Greenberg19-Oct-2019 02:55
Sensational! This gives me the feeling of being in a Raiders of the Lost Ark type of movie. ~BV~
janescottcumming06-Oct-2019 00:10
Interesting statue and looks so good with this dramatic setting. V
Walter Otto Koenig05-Oct-2019 18:55
Fascinating sculpture and so nice with this moody background. "V"
Don Mottershead05-Oct-2019 18:06
A moving carving, wonderfully captured from this POV. V
bill friedlander05-Oct-2019 15:08
A beautiful statue with a dramatic background. V
Jeff Real05-Oct-2019 13:41
A perfect combination of mood and fascinating subject!
I really love this one!
Helen Betts05-Oct-2019 11:05
Such an impressive sculpture, and perfect against that moody background. V.
Yvonne05-Oct-2019 10:57
Wonderful to see this statue... and the lovely setting! v
Graeme05-Oct-2019 08:58
A facinating scene captured here with this beautiful statue and mountains in the background, Gill.V!!!
Neil Marcus05-Oct-2019 07:51
It is an unusual piece and-you positioned it well in this natural setting "VV".
Charlene Ambrose05-Oct-2019 07:24
Excellent composition. That sky is awesome. V
globalgadabout05-Oct-2019 05:12
captivating image...the statue is remarkable, and the tumultuous sky ideal...bravo Gill...V
joseantonio05-Oct-2019 05:11
spectacular composition with the mountain and the clouds in the background.V.
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