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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winter's Coming > Willowvale morning2
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Willowvale morning2

Near Fort Fraser, BC

Zooming in ! Couldn't make up my mind which shot I preferred.

Canon EOS 6D
1/4000s f/5.6 at 200.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Zoltán Balogh06-Dec-2022 10:10
How wonderful! V
Jola Dziubinska08-Feb-2019 00:53
Wonderful cold scenery, love the layers of tones. V.
Dan Greenberg07-Dec-2017 17:39
So beautiful! I love the difference between the cool tones on the lower half with the warmer ones in the sky. ~BV~
Pierre07-Dec-2017 14:35
Deux très belles photos de ce magnifique paysage, une préférence pour celle-ci avec ces teintes bleutées! V
Charlene Ambrose07-Dec-2017 08:23
They are both wonderful winter scenes. I really like this one! V
barbarajoy06-Dec-2017 23:14
So lovely! A winter wonderland already.... V
Tom LeRoy06-Dec-2017 11:55
I like them both, but this is my fav. Excellent work, Gill! V
Nirvan Hope06-Dec-2017 04:00
Both excellent, though I think I prefer the wider scene for the softer feel.
Jeff Real05-Dec-2017 18:21
I treasure seeing your brilliant Winter landscapes
Walter Otto Koenig05-Dec-2017 16:48
Amazing how different they are. I like them both. They're both excellent. "V"
globalgadabout05-Dec-2017 16:18
seems a valid alternative version, still capturing the chilly beauty of the scene..
bill friedlander05-Dec-2017 15:08
They are both great! Kudos! V
Marcia Rules05-Dec-2017 12:45
Love them both! Excellence defined.... VVV
Yvonne05-Dec-2017 11:03
A wonderful streaky sky to set off this lovely scene! v
Graeme05-Dec-2017 10:47
A wonderful wintry scene, Gill. Is that a monument in the middle of the image?. Awesome.BBV!
Neil Marcus05-Dec-2017 10:25
This is one of your best pictures, Gill. A wall hanger! Big Vote
Kim05-Dec-2017 10:09
Very nice winter scene beautifully captured! V
Carol E Sandgren05-Dec-2017 06:02
Well I can't either! Both are great but for very different reasons. I love them both! In this one I love the white fog against the dark tree line.
Helen Betts05-Dec-2017 05:43
They're both beautiful, with such a marvelous mood. V.
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