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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> People in Costumes >> Renaissance Faire 11 >
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Nikon D700 ,AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II
1/320s f/5.6 at 140.0mm iso400 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Patrick Goossens01-Jul-2016 18:29
Fantastic and very vivid portrait. The expression is superb.
Frank Brault16-Jun-2016 19:45
Oops, thought I has seen this before.
Frank Brault16-Jun-2016 19:44
A wonderful portrait. Love her expression. V
Dave Petersen Photography13-Jun-2016 18:43
A beautifully shot expressive portrait with excellent clarity, vivid colors and perfect lighting. The eye contact is superb Walter. Voted+
Tom LeRoy09-Jun-2016 07:28
A fabulous portrait, Walter. The colors and look are fantastic. V
Pierre08-Jun-2016 17:35
Un magnifique portrait de ce joli personnage très coloré! V
Carl H. Johnson08-Jun-2016 01:02
Such a well framed colorful image!!!~V~
marie-jose wolff06-Jun-2016 21:42
she has as joyous and fun look! V
Frank Brault06-Jun-2016 19:53
A terrific costume and portrait. Love her smile. V
Alexander Kazakov06-Jun-2016 12:34
Very nice! V
Anna & Christian RECK05-Jun-2016 21:39
Excellent and colorful portrait!! Love the expression! BV. Anna
Buz Kiefer05-Jun-2016 19:30
Excellent and a most colorful portrait. Great pose. Vote.
Graeme05-Jun-2016 16:43
Stunning interesting portrait, Walter.BV
janescottcumming05-Jun-2016 14:17
So much fun, terrific catch! V
Yvonne05-Jun-2016 10:20
She should win the creativity award for this costume, great shot Walter! v
Zoltán Balogh05-Jun-2016 05:24
Superb! V
Gill Kopy05-Jun-2016 03:56
Love this shot with this bright eyed girl in her outrageous outfit V
Carol How05-Jun-2016 03:05
Captivating portrait Walter! V
Neil Marcus05-Jun-2016 02:11
A charming pose by this young woman. You caught it well. "V"
Julie Oldfield05-Jun-2016 01:36
That is great!! V
globalgadabout05-Jun-2016 00:54
a touch of the madcap is delightful..
bill friedlander04-Jun-2016 20:53
A highly detailed image. The costume and makeup are one of a kind. V
Ken Chambers ARPS04-Jun-2016 20:03
Tremendous amount of work in this costume and make-up. Great Shot Walter
peterjay4504-Jun-2016 19:53
What an excellent portrait. Love the colours.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)04-Jun-2016 18:45
Beautiful Capture Vote
fotabug04-Jun-2016 17:40
Love the getup, and that expression is priceless!
joseantonio04-Jun-2016 17:36
lovely and colorful. That expression is just unique.V
Pieter Bos04-Jun-2016 17:35
You took this picture at the right moment! ~V
Jim Coffman04-Jun-2016 16:03
I like this portrait a lot!!! Love that expression!!
danad04-Jun-2016 15:45
A great, festive portrait ! Very nice expression and make-up. V.
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