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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Architecture >> Architecture in Black & White 2 > 54
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Julie Oldfield09-Dec-2015 03:58
Wonderful lines and awesome light. V
Buz Kiefer08-Dec-2015 18:42
Excellent exposure, Walter. Very nice range of tones. Vote.
Carol Rollins07-Dec-2015 15:24
Brilliant fisheye work Walter!
Gill Kopy07-Dec-2015 02:05
Stunning shot - love how that lens works with the lines BV
LynnH06-Dec-2015 22:37
Wide view and monotone makes this seem surreal. V
Marcia Rules06-Dec-2015 22:20
A scene made for you Walter! The tones are on the money. V
Martin Lamoon06-Dec-2015 20:53
Wow, a fine place filled with natural light.
Colin Storey06-Dec-2015 19:29
Fantastic image with the light and shadows, perfect in mono.
Frank Brault06-Dec-2015 19:09
A terrific image with the distortion and the light, shadow and tones. An excellent point of view. V
John Hamers06-Dec-2015 18:27
Superb interior image, well composed and wonderful line pattern !!V
John Reynolds LRPS06-Dec-2015 18:07
Nice WA capture. Thew mild bowing effect adds to the image. V.
laine06-Dec-2015 18:03
Very impressive, Walter...I like the shadow patterns
Gerard Koehl06-Dec-2015 17:57
Superbe prise de cette bibliothèque. V
Neil Marcus06-Dec-2015 17:41
Fitting use of the WA lens and a perfect range of tones in sunlight and shadow. "V"
carabias06-Dec-2015 17:32
Very nice gray tones. Elegant and beautiful composition. V
Jim Coffman06-Dec-2015 17:31
A wonderful interior capture,Walter!!
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