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05-JUL-2011 Karin Döling

Bitte Größe "Original" wählen - Please choose original size

Canon EOS 7D ,Canon EF 70-200 mm f/4L IS USM
1/200s f/4.0 at 191.0mm iso400 full exif

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cits_4_pets25-Aug-2016 18:41
Lovely tones and textures. Love the processing!!excellent.v
John Barreiro18-Aug-2016 14:42
An excellent image! I saw this on Show and Tell. I see that this is part of a fine gallery that I'll now explore. V
XiaoBernard9913-May-2014 16:56
Great. I like he using of the texture and BW.
Superbly done
Sandy Rich02-May-2014 02:28
Marvelous image and artistic presentation.
woody3402-May-2014 00:33
Such a dreamy mood, a wonderful presentation...V
Walter Otto Koenig01-May-2014 16:01
Very nice treatments on this to get these tones and textures, and so well photographed as well. "V"
danad01-May-2014 12:23
A great mood on this melancholic composition. V.
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