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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 70-200 mm f/4L IS USM

Canon EF 70-200 mm f/4L IS USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 24-Aug-2006
Lens Mount: EF
Lens: 70-200mm f/4
Random Canon EF 70-200 mm f/4L IS USM Samples from 24575 available Photos more
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@ Bruce Gilling17-Feb-2010 16:13
best portrait lens out there at f10-13 razor sharp and nice compression at 150-200mm
raymann,lucas,raymaniac20-Nov-2008 16:32
just got my copy today...this white lens gives superb image quality...colour is well saturated and able to produce fine detailing! whats more? the weight is much lighter than the F/2.8 version, the IS works like a charm and its possible to shoot at 1/20 with iso400 in lowlight condition!
Guest 15-Sep-2008 02:25
This is a superb lens and reason enough to go with the Canon SLR system. It performs equally well with my digital and film bodies.
Guest 18-Feb-2008 04:47
Sample of shots from this lens my latest gallery
H. P. Henriksen Starman19-Jan-2008 21:07
I had been working with this excellent lens for a while - I use it normaly hand held an get sharp images out of it. I had seen tests where it was claimed that the lens was lacking sharpnes??
Here are two different sampels taken under very different conditions (colour moderate light and an actionshot)
Guest 28-Sep-2007 01:20
Best Canon zoom lens i have ever owned so far. I used canon 70-200 f/2.8 IS L and 100-400 L as well as 70-300 DO lenses neighter one can beat the sharpness that i can obtain on the images i took with this lens, light weight and compactness of this lens is another plus.
Wes Thorpe16-Sep-2007 06:05
I used this lens to take my pics at the Notting Hill Carnival- it was absolutely outstanding- well over 200+ pics pinsharp- see
Guest 09-Jul-2007 07:41
I love this lens ! Its light & easy to manage. Its sharp and the IS works a treat. Also works well with 1.4x converter (very little if any noticeable degradation) A real pleasure to use !!

Example (no processing whatsoever):

Ray Walton01-May-2007 14:36
In March 2007 I upgraded my Non IS version of this superb lens to the new IS version. Sure it is an expensive upgrade for what is almost certainly the same glass u this new generation dual mode IS is just stunning. Now I can use my 70-200 when before I had to put it away or get the tripod out and as we all know most of the time we tend to leave it at home or just plain forget to bring it out wiht us.

This lens is just simply superb and cannot see at this zoom range how it can be bettered. Colour, contrast, sharpness and lack of any of the common lens evils makes this a Canon top winner. Works great with the 1.4X extender too and with full AF and IS too on my EOS 350D. Woudl be interested to know if the 2x extender works with IS and/or AF with this lens.

So yes I have absolutely no regrets at the high cost of upgrading my old 70-200 non IS for this IS incarnation, it is now a fully useable lens and very much less OOF or camera shake pictures to bin.

Recent samples in my gallery for many of my photos taken since March this year.
Guest 24-Apr-2007 02:16
Love this lens! Contrast and color is the best of any lens that I have used. The image sharpness is incredible. Sample images at many showing the lens with use with the Canon Extender 2x
@ Bruce Gilling09-Feb-2007 01:39
my shoot from yesterday with mm girl talia
Guest 31-Jan-2007 20:35
for sure a good (but expensive...) improvement from my previous 70-200 L4 non-IS.
Image quality seems to be equal when I compare with the non-IS, but the IS is very helpful in low light or cloudy conditions, shots are sharp handholded at 1/60 sec or even at 1/30 sec.Impossible with a non IS without a monopod.

vignetting and chromatic aberrations seems very well controlled.
The lens is sharp wide open, but a little better stopping down, and at its very best at F/8.
contrast is good, colors very natural (neutral, as often with Canon lenses)
IS works very well even with with the 1,4 X extender (great image quality in this configuration too)
An ideal walkaround handdhold zoom lens for reporters, much more discret, light, and easy to use than the heavy 70-200 2.8 L
A good buy if you need the IS feature and the zoom comfort.
It is not a prime, Canon L prime lenses are a little better on this range, but for sure it's one of the very best zoom on the market actually.

you can see some samples and Hi-Res (neutral settings) test images in my Pbase gallery here :

ac13-Jan-2007 08:07
Maybe the best lens I ever used. Excellent wide open.
@ Bruce Gilling30-Nov-2006 15:26
color and contrast are very good!
H. P. Henriksen Starman24-Nov-2006 17:42
I had just got it and it is realy possible to get got non shaked pictures under lov light conditions.
@ Bruce Gilling18-Nov-2006 23:56
just got it and i like it ! very light L quality with latest IS awesome !
eminilia05-Nov-2006 21:29
a few samples from photoplus expo 2006 70-200mm f/4 is
eminilia05-Nov-2006 03:09
a few samples from photoplus expo 2006 70-200mm f/4 is
eminilia05-Nov-2006 00:56
a few samples from photoplus expo 2006 70-200mm f/4 is

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