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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > March 4
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March 4

Burger Lounge

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
1/100s f/11.0 at 14.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ken Zaret27-Aug-2020 17:53
Great shot. The main features are striking and the frame is filled so well.
carol j. phipps26-Aug-2020 03:23
Love it. V
Gill Kopy24-Aug-2020 04:38
Love this !! BV
Petros Labrakos15-Jul-2016 06:26
excellent done (V)!
Markus Grompe17-Sep-2014 14:19
this is a real cool shot.V
Anitta08-Mar-2014 11:35
How have I missed this one? Amazing shot, love the long shadows, excellent POV. V++
Sandy Rich05-Mar-2014 23:48
Fantastic elongated shadows and great colors. Great shot.
Patricia Kay05-Mar-2014 22:41
Looks an inviting place to sit...beautiful colorful image Walter...BV
Ton T.05-Mar-2014 21:52
Amazing image with superb light and great shadows! V+
Peter Sussex05-Mar-2014 21:04
The food I rarely try (only in emergency), but Gosh... this scene looks so attractive with the long shadows and color harmony, that I feel like having a burger here. Excellent work, Walter!!! V
Don Mottershead05-Mar-2014 18:45
Totally awesome! ~V~
Will Hoskins05-Mar-2014 18:11
What an inviting scene, Walter. Very nicely composed with those shadows and the wall. V
carabias05-Mar-2014 16:51
¡Fantástico! BV
carabias05-Mar-2014 16:51
¡Fantástico! BV
Tom LeRoy05-Mar-2014 15:57
Cool shadows and red theme, really is superb. Well managed light. Must be a good place for a burger too. V
Cindi Smith05-Mar-2014 15:22
Love the light and one is enjoying a burger outside. :)
Jim Coffman05-Mar-2014 14:10
Just excellent!!
LynnH05-Mar-2014 13:10
This is fantastic! BV
Pierre05-Mar-2014 12:57
Une très belle composition avec ces longues lignes d'ombre, du beau travail! V
John Hamers05-Mar-2014 12:10
Great capture,Fabulous colors and shadows !V
Colin Storey05-Mar-2014 11:20
Great light and shadows. v
Kim05-Mar-2014 09:37
Very nice composition and use of the shadows! V
marie-jose wolff05-Mar-2014 09:01
fine composition and amazing shadows! V
Martin Lamoon05-Mar-2014 08:13
Superb. Like the red chairs and their shadows in this street scene.
regi olbrechts05-Mar-2014 07:26
Nice 'n bright Walter, very inviting!
Brian McAllister05-Mar-2014 06:28
Just love the long long long shadows in this awesome shot! V
Gerard Koehl05-Mar-2014 05:31
Magnifique avec ce jeu d'ombre. V
joseantonio05-Mar-2014 05:01
Lovely with those long shadows.V.
Bryan Murahashi05-Mar-2014 04:50
Fabulous colors and shadows. Very nicely photograhed, Walter. V
Ken Chambers ARPS05-Mar-2014 04:39
Lots very tempting to stop there for a Burger once in a while, Walter
John Vass05-Mar-2014 04:37
That's how it's done! Very nice!
Astrid Taen05-Mar-2014 04:18
Love the light and the long shadows. V
globalgadabout05-Mar-2014 03:45
thoroughly delectable...those distended shadows look almost elastic..
Carl Carbone05-Mar-2014 03:01
Just awesome. So well seen and executed!
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