Message from Astrid Taen
Message last updated June 14, 2009
I take many pictures while traveling. The map below show the countries I have visited even if it was just crossing the river and having a beer, in the case of Laos, or spending a few hours in Myanmar as part of my Thailand trip.
I have just updated the map to include the southern African countries I just visited. I am in the process of sorting through and preparing my recent photos. My intentions are to post a sample of photos from all of the places visited as part of the trip.
Countries I have visited or lived in:

create your own visited country map
or check our Venice travel guide
Here is a more detailed map of the countries I have visited in Europe:

create your personalized map of europe
or check out our Barcelona travel guide
States I have visited:

create your own personalized map of the USA
or check out ourCalifornia travel guide
I hope to continue filling in countries and states in these maps over the years as I continue to travel.
Your comments are much appreciated.
Thank you,