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6-OCT-2012 Don Boyd

2012 - Jim Whitaker after the funeral service for retired Hialeah High Coach Mike Feduniak

Jim Whitaker lived at 6185 W. 12th Avenue on the western shore of Lake Laurence West and he built the huge diving tower (photo at ) in the lake that was a great source of enjoyment for a ton of kids who lived in the area. Jim was the father of sons Victor (now a teacher at HHS), Jimmy (now in construction on west coast of Florida), Dean (also in construction on west coast of Florida), daughter Dee Dee (now lives in Southwest Ranches in Broward County and married to Allan Milam who owns the Milam Grocery stores and they have two daughters). Jim lives in Southwest Ranches and will be moving to Stuart in the near future at the time of this writing.

FujiFilm FinePix S200EXR , Image #3417

other sizes: small medium original auto
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