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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Animals >> San Diego Zoo 5 >
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Nikon D300 ,Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED VR AF
1/100s f/5.3 at 200.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Zoltán Balogh29-Apr-2023 04:20
This is just fantastic! V
Pawel Kazmierczyk17-Jan-2017 18:03
This photo won the 426th Show & Tell Competition: A DAY AT THE ZOO. The photo is simply stunning – well composed, eye catching, and slightly scary. I do not know if it is a croc or a toad - either way, the shot is superb. Put yellow frames around it and it could well be on the cover of National Geographic. A proof what great results one can can get photographing wildlife in a zoo – which was the purpose of the entire exercise to start with. Congrats Walter!
Ken Zaret11-Jan-2017 00:49
Great shot of evil
Yiannis Pavlis28-May-2015 15:57
Magnificent !
Barbara Heide18-Jan-2014 19:19
This is my favourite!!! V
Bidyottam 13-Mar-2013 00:07
Outstanding! Simply out of words! V!!
Julie Oldfield05-Mar-2013 23:31
Superb! V
Ashley Hockenberry05-Mar-2013 15:06
Excellent !
Lillian Rodriguez02-Mar-2013 18:46
This is truly amazing! How you get such a perspective proves that a lot of time and patience were involved as well. Great work! BV
godro08-Jan-2013 20:20
Very nice compo bravo!!!
Arbi Arzouman27-Dec-2012 15:33
Beautiful. great shot.
Frank Brault24-Dec-2012 02:30
An awesome portrait Walter! What a fantastic point of view. V
woody3422-Dec-2012 02:36
Outstanding capture.looks like a silver model...wonderful timing and details..V
janescottcumming22-Dec-2012 02:10
Wow, you nailed this shot! Remarkable. V
Guest 21-Dec-2012 23:28
Fantastic timing. He looks very menacing and the detail is amazing. Well done.
Karen Stuebing21-Dec-2012 22:23
Love the straight on low angle with the reflection. Fabulous image. V.
XiaoBernard9921-Dec-2012 22:11
Excellent.Very well done.
Sam Rua21-Dec-2012 21:46
Excellent POV and comp, Walter. Well done. V.
Patrick F21-Dec-2012 21:22
Exceptional image of this monster!!!! Great shot!!! V+++++
Helen Betts21-Dec-2012 21:19
Wow, what a powerful image! Not sure I can say anything other than it's perfect in every way. V.
Colin Storey21-Dec-2012 20:59
Fantastic Walter, the eyes are amazing. v
Chris21-Dec-2012 20:35
Scary and undeniably alien - what a great image and fabulous pov.
Ken Chambers ARPS21-Dec-2012 19:42
Very clever POV and exposure Walter
Guest 21-Dec-2012 19:27
Did you know you where in HIS swimming pool? V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)21-Dec-2012 18:17
Another superb image! Beautiful work Walter! BV
Frank Landerville21-Dec-2012 17:59
I love the silver and gold, Walter. This could print out well on a brushed aluminum panel.
J. Scott Coile21-Dec-2012 17:54
Gerard Koehl21-Dec-2012 17:50
Fantastique. V
joseantonio21-Dec-2012 17:37
Wow. simply amazing...Well done.V
Vickie BROWN21-Dec-2012 17:23
Wow, super sharp shot, you played the lens to perfection Walter.BV
John Lamb21-Dec-2012 16:39
More menacing than a White pointer shark.
Guest 21-Dec-2012 16:36
Gorgeous angle. Best J
Guest 21-Dec-2012 16:22
Amber eyes in molten silver...
Martin Lamoon21-Dec-2012 16:04
I dont know how you managed this one its amazing. v
Carl Carbone21-Dec-2012 15:58
Incredible shot!
globalgadabout21-Dec-2012 15:57
spine-tingling image...fantastic work Walter...V
Jim Coffman21-Dec-2012 15:51
Walter,this is outstanding!!!
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