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Markus Grompe | all galleries >> Galleries >> PsoD > yokohama skyscrapers
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yokohama skyscrapers

Canon Powershot G12
1/250s f/8.0 at 6.1mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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carol j. phipps28-Apr-2019 16:33
This shot and pov makes me want to see more. Wonderful!
Jola Dziubinska24-Apr-2019 19:35
Cool forms, excellent pov. V.
Ken Zaret01-Feb-2015 19:39
Looks like a roller coaster at a modern park. Well done!
Long Bach Nguyen17-Dec-2012 01:46
fantastic compo
Arnie Peterschmidt15-Jun-2012 07:10
Does this sculpture have any moving parts?