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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Out of the zoo >> Felinely - Portraits of free cats >> Once upon a time there was a cat > They are the same age….
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09-APR-2011 Marisa

They are the same age….

Gland - Vaud (Switzerland)

The lady and her cat, according to the different parameters of cats and human beings,
might be considered exactly the same age,
Both of them have the calm beauty of time.

“A beautiful lady is an accident of nature.
A beautiful old lady is a work of art.”

This photo is part of the gallery "Life is the art of encounter"

other sizes: small medium original auto
slhoornstra31-Jul-2021 16:49
Wonderful, Marisa! V
Neil Marcus26-Jan-2019 14:21
I like the picture,title, and quote ! "VVV"
blizzard12-Sep-2012 23:51
favorite very well composed big vote
blizzard12-Sep-2012 23:51
favorite very well composed big vote
Neil Marcus01-Sep-2012 22:14
This is a fine image. You certainly caught moment of life.
Peter Sussex21-Jun-2012 09:42
I was just hesitating which one I liked better, this one or the the one before the glass door. both have a special charm. Finally picked this one because the impulse of love and tribute to each other. V
Markus Grompe20-Jun-2012 14:44
what a great old lady and her cat shot...
lupevalencia19-Dec-2011 22:10
Fantástica escena.
GeneWard14-Dec-2011 00:14
a wonderful, warm-hearted photo. V
pascal27-Sep-2011 17:40
Cette scène d'une grande douceur est très belle. Simple et naturelle.
GoodListener27-Jun-2011 16:26
Imagine, a photo of Love!
Such a nice relationship, and it comes through very clearly. Photography at its best!
Artist22-Jun-2011 00:25
Amazing portrait with so much feelings! love everything about it! It s sweet and serene! V
Lieve Snellings10-Apr-2011 23:02
such a wonderful image ! the cat isn't sure if she likes you captured their intimicy... V
Fred Parsons10-Apr-2011 06:57
Great work as usual plus beyond that Marisa !
Tom LeRoy10-Apr-2011 06:33
Excellent expressive portrait of both! Lovely shot!V!
Martin Lamoon10-Apr-2011 06:33
Picture perfect, wonderful portraits and well framed. V
an nguyen10-Apr-2011 02:19
This one is so much sincere affection to both .
Wonderful work . Marisa .
Hank Vander Velde10-Apr-2011 01:50
Beautiful image Marisa.
Guest 09-Apr-2011 22:23
nice shot!
Guest 09-Apr-2011 21:08
An impeccable work! Just perfect! ~V
David Buzzeo09-Apr-2011 20:52
This cat gets around. What a warm and charming photograph. V
María Cano09-Apr-2011 19:07
Gran y real frase que me gustaria se hiciese realidad en mi .. De momento, tengo gato .. :) -V-
Jan Bakker09-Apr-2011 18:59
A wonderful, warm portrait! V!
Gerhard Ritsema09-Apr-2011 18:48
There is so much love and peace in this image! Fantastic presentation!
Michaval09-Apr-2011 18:11
I am sure that they understand very well. V
Jeroen Bosman09-Apr-2011 17:59
I like that she chose to face the pacific side of the globe, v.
Peter Sussex09-Apr-2011 17:35
Shows the atmosphere of an Agatha Christie book:) Wish long life to both of them. V
Pedro Libório09-Apr-2011 17:02
Blandine Mangin09-Apr-2011 16:49
quel charmant portrait ! b