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John C. de Freitas | all galleries >> People in my Life >> "de Freitas" Family > 2011 - My grandniece Ana Beatriz & Ken - Funchal, Madeira - Portugal
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John de Freitas

2011 - My grandniece Ana Beatriz & Ken - Funchal, Madeira - Portugal

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Photo.Keely20-May-2016 18:56
Beautiful image! Nicely composed! Well done! V.
Karen Moen10-Jul-2015 17:03
The artful cropping caught my attention first, then the delightful composition. Voted.
carol j. phipps05-May-2015 03:06
Outstanding portrait and story! Vote
Alexander Kazakov28-Apr-2015 18:11
Lovely! V
Julie Oldfield22-Nov-2014 19:22
Such a wonderful image. Very well done. V
MarcViskens09-Jul-2014 17:00
very nice
love it
tliu1031-May-2014 17:45
Wonderful tender loving moment!
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