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Ken Zaret | all galleries >> Other Galleries >> Fall Leaf Glow >
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Fall leaf glow, Japanese Maple
This image won first place in the 488th PBase Show & Tell Competition: Fall Colours
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Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM
1/200s f/13.0 at 135.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
carol j. phipps09-Oct-2018 19:00
A truly winning photo. Magnificent! Vote
Arnie Peterschmidt03-Oct-2018 03:46
Looks like a winner to me.
Jola Dziubinska02-Oct-2018 16:31
Terrific shapes and colors. V.
Guest 11-Jan-2017 02:33
Fascinating almost unrealcz
Terry Bowker09-Feb-2013 15:10
Wilfred Seefeld29-May-2012 03:59
What a gem! V
janescottcumming09-Jun-2011 02:38
Wow, now that's a great image! V
Sandi Whitteker25-Feb-2011 10:06
Well seen and captured Ken. Love the contrast of the stark, scraggy trunk and limbs against the radiant canopy.
Guest 20-Feb-2011 16:09
This really grips ya! Vµ
Guest 18-Dec-2010 14:17
Guest 20-Nov-2010 19:03
Incredible. How do I make this my background?
markay16-Nov-2010 00:53
Ken.. this is gorgeous.. Miss the fall colors on this side of the country
Milos Markovic14-Nov-2010 10:41
A stunner Ken, bravo !
James Clarke14-Nov-2010 07:19
Beautiful image... Great contrast between the trunk and the leaves. BV
Markus Grompe13-Nov-2010 19:04
Superb.... I'm surprised this is not a wide angle lense shot...
Tom LeRoy13-Nov-2010 18:46
Wow! Beautiful.
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