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luxun54 | all galleries >> Southwest US Galleries >> Tucson May '10 > Elephant Pond_20100516-212b.jpg
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Elephant Pond_20100516-212b.jpg

Pallid Bat
1st Place, 232nd Show & Tell ("Timing is Everything")
Finalist, Photographer's Forum magazine competition, Best of Photography Annual 2011
3rd Place, 165th Show & Tell ("Unreplicable")

Nikon D300
3s f/16.0 at 200.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Sam Rua07-Jun-2016 05:20
Very, very cool capture.
cits_4_pets24-Apr-2012 05:39
Fantastic timing of this darling bat getting a drink. Cute little one, looks like a rat with wings. :-) (am a rat lover)
Jojie Alcantara15-Apr-2012 17:50
Beautiful capture V
Ken Zaret10-Nov-2010 03:20
Impressive work. Must have been a lot of effort to get this, and worth it!
Allen Hart08-Nov-2010 04:55
What an amazing picture!
Guest 24-Jul-2010 19:23
M Hauss23-Jul-2010 21:33
Incredible. v.
Peter Stubley23-Jul-2010 14:41
Very cool shot -- definitely a "decisive moment," and excellent composition. Very nicely done.
Markus Grompe22-Jul-2010 16:58
totally cool... how can this be a 3s exposure. flash?
Nick Vivian22-Jul-2010 07:12
fabulous... got my vote !
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