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Mike Stobbs | all galleries >> Galleries >> Every Now & Then Part III > Vatorman Spotted
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Nov. 3rd 2009 Mike Stobbs

Vatorman Spotted

This image won the 143rd Show & Tell Competition.
It looks like I found Glenn shooting Vators in Saskatchewan under the cover of darkness......
It's hard to hide from a fellow Vator shooter Glenn......
Great to see you was short but well worth it......thanks for stopping in......

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 AF-S ED IF G N
30s f/8.0 at 62.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Peter Stubley01-Jan-2010 01:12
Very nice composition and colours.
Steve Mockford07-Nov-2009 16:02
Man, that guy shows up at elevators everywhere. Looks a little cool. ~V~
Guest 04-Nov-2009 19:50
A familar scene - good to see you two hard at work :-)
Lee G04-Nov-2009 19:20
Good to see the VatorDuo back in action!
B. Shortall - BCS Photography04-Nov-2009 17:55
Hmmmm.. I think i have seen this shot before! Still looks cold!
Steve Sharp04-Nov-2009 16:53
Good to see the old team back together again for a night shoot!
pkocinski04-Nov-2009 13:31
So good to see Glenn back behind the camera :-)
lou_rozensteins04-Nov-2009 09:41
Excellent work! Very well done.
Cindi Smith04-Nov-2009 02:23
Oh, I like this shot....yet to see him in person or on a pic! Great shot and love how the light just emits from him! Yep, this is a good one!!!!!
Guest 04-Nov-2009 02:19
Thanks for the proof! He's alive!!!
Walter Otto Koenig04-Nov-2009 01:25
Cool shot. Neat to see you and Glenn doing the same shot.
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)03-Nov-2009 23:58
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated...just out shooting - and now caught.
Good time as always Mike!
Brad Claypole03-Nov-2009 23:58
Looks like my kinda shoot! (again)
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